Apologies for the inconvenience...
Welcome to and thanks for reading this new blog, a satirical examination of Tesco Customer dis.Service spiced up with a little practical help to get your complaints resolved.
This blog is to highlight the concerns of customers of Tesco who have suffered poor customer service. If you have suffered please let us know and we will publish your complaints. You can complain by email to Tesco Customer Service and cc us to the email so we can publish it here. You can even publish your complaint directly to the blog yourself simply by emailing the blog posting bot at tesco-complaint.publish@blogger.com. It will be interesting to see what sorts of problems arise regularly and whether Tesco do anything to stop such problems or simply repeatedly "apologise for the inconvenience" caused...
We will also be countenancing action plans to get your problems and disputes with Tesco resolved which will include accessing your legal right to take Tesco to court to solve complaints.
The first tale of poor customer service woe at Tesco will be blogged shortly. In the meantime we'd like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience we may cause you. And then repeatedly after that without ever sorting anything out. That's good customer service after all ... isn't it?
Stay tuned (or better still atom subscribed!)
can you please open tesco store in leicester city centre.it is close to my house for my shopping.can you open it from new year
thank you
We apologise but we are unable to open any Tesco-Complaint stores in the vicinity of Leicester City Centre.
We apologise but we are unable to open any Tesco-Complaint stores in the vicinity of Leicester City Centre.
Will they be selling Leicester cheese too?
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