Friday, October 27, 2006

Tesco's Cruelty to (Pet) Fish

My attention to the following product was raised by members of a forum I visit, and although it isn’t intended for saltwater use I was so disgusted by this product I though I would feature it and the campaign for Tesco to remove it from their shelves.

The first thing that struck me was how utterly tacky and unpleasant the thing is. I know it is our aim to replicate the natural habitat of any species we keep in aquariums, this items not only makes no attempt to achieve this, but looks pretty horrible too.

The item description recommends the tank for Guppies & Tetras, both tropical fish, yet there is no heater or filter supplied with the tank. As for keeping goldfish in here - forget it. They require 10-20g of water per fish.

The final great piece of advice for this is; “Tank rinses off & refills under the tap” So no mention that chlorine, chloramines and numerous other chemical additions to tap water, which are added to make it safe to drink, will kill fish? Or any mention of water treatments that can be used to make tap water safe for fish?

I feel Tesco have been incredibly short sighted in stocking this product, and by doing so are condemning thousands of fish to an unpleasant demise. I am sure Tesco are a responsible retailer and when they learn of the public feeling towards this product and its unsuitability for fish of any sort, they will remove it from sale immediately.

I urge you to email Tesco to reiterate what has been said above, if enough of us do so I’m sure they will do the right thing, as we all know “Every little helps!”

Even easier - just click on the "email post" picture link below and send this article to '' to show your disdain for Tesco's animal cruelty.

Customer Disservice - A Tesco Standard?

I got so irritated by the queues and unmanned tills at the Elephant and Castle Tesco Metro that I wrote to complain and received a bland, form response. So I wrote back:

You say your 'aim is to have no more than three other customers waiting in front of you at any one time'. I reiterate that the Elephant & Castle branch of Tesco Metro consistently fails to meet this aim. No doubt this is because most of the staff are off sick most of the time. I imagine Tescos is a pretty sickening environment to work in and that alarm that goes off every couple of minutes @ the Elephant is especially enervating. I would like to spend as little time in the place as possible and that is why I would prefer not to have to queue for ages at the checkout.
A couple of weeks later, I had another go:
I recently wrote to complain about the queues at the Elephant and Castle branch of Tesco and received a bland response about your corporate target of not having more than three customers queuing at at till. As I pointed out in a subsequent e-mail, the Elephant and Castle consistently fails to meet this target. I've just been there and, just after nine o'clock in the morning, only a couple of tills were open and there were queues of at least two dozen people at each. It's not as if they were short of staff, either, as herds of them were restocking shelves and standing around in little groups with their arms folded, chatting. Happily, this enervating circumstance did not detain me as I merely dumped my basket and left. I'll go to Somerfield on Walworth Road later, but thought I would take a few more minutes, from the kindness of my heart to remind you how appalling your store @ the Elephant is. Roll on the demolition!
And I received the same insincere corporate response:
I am sorry to learn of the problems experienced with delays at the checkout in our Elephant Castle Metro store. I can understand how inconvenient this was for you. Our aim is to have no more than three other customers waiting in front of you at any one time unless, of course, all checkouts are open. To ensure this, the queue lengths are monitored regularly and the information is used to compile schedules to make sure that there is an adequate number of staff on duty. Our staff are multi-skilled, in case the need should arise for extra cover on the checkouts. We have also installed a paging system, to keep management informed of the situation at all times. Despite these efforts, there are occasions when the '3 in front' standard cannot be achieved, i.e. when there are staff shortages due to illness. I can assure you that all of our stores try exceptionally hard to serve customers as quickly as possible. Thank you for bringing your views to our attention. We will bear your comments in mind when we next review this policy.
Yeah. Right. Bollocks!

Every Tescos Little Help?

I visited Tesco at Clifton Moor, York on Thursday 25th October 2006 at around 9.20am to do my weekly shopping, other to my normal weekly shopping I hope to purchase a computer printer as well. I visited the area where the printers were shelved, (as I am in my sixties and not that clued up on these items), I look for a member of staff to help me with my queries regarding the printer, iImanaged to find an elderly assistant, whom stated he knew about books but not anything to do with computers and suggested I go to a service desk/point, this I did.

On arrival at the desk, an elderly lady in a Tesco red top was ticketing some items, and totally ignored my standing at the desk (even though she knew I was there, maybe she hope I would go away), I asked her if she could help with my queries about printers, she stated no, and that the only person who could was on holiday and would not be back until next week, however she asked a staff member if she could assist, which she did in the way that if I did not want what was written on the printer container, she could not help, being quite abrupt due to being disturbed from what she was doing.

I noticed two female members of staff quite near me wearing different uniforms, I asked them if they were management, they said yes, (good I thought I will get help now) I asked them if they could assist me with my queries, one with blond hair and wearing a various coloured top stated that she could not help, and that they were short staffed due to the half term holidays, and that they do not employ any one person just to advise about electrical good, and that if I required to know more about printers I should go to Curries or the like, I stated that if they were selling such items surely they should have some staff trained up on these items, she stated - no we don't do that, this is why we are cheaper than other and is a way of cutting the prices!!

With this they both walked off, then the lady with the red top said to me that this is why the printers are one hundred and fifty pound cheaper than others, this is why we (meaning Tesco) save you money, and that if they issued customers with information about the products the price would have to go up. I gave up my quest fora new printer in that store and took the Tesco management advice and went to a Competitor of Tesco's where I got help and managed to purchase a printer. It is my opinion as a businessman myself that the Tesco Store at Clifton Moor, York lacks customer service training and politeness.

Mel Fox.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Tesco distributes redundancies...

Throughout the country on September 21st, Tesco announced they wanted hundreds of redundancies in their distribution depots. This, at a time when they are still employing Slovakian and Polish agency workers brought in from abroad and being made to stay, several in one house.

In one depot in Magor South Wales, There hasn't been a British person employed for a while; instead they prefer to take on agency because they are cheaper and subsequently Tesco do not have to pay contributions to the government. They have very few rights unlike the regular staff and have been called into work at an hours notice. They are told to work 12 hours instead of 8, but only told when they arrive in the warehouse.

After the 'simplification' programme which is what they are calling these redundancies, the terms and conditions are to be changed for all staff who remain. They have changed the title of a job and dropped the hourly rate but the job is identical to before and the same people doing it.

It was announced earlier that the distribution centres in the UK must make a saving of £60 Million. It is difficult to force more people into the shops so they are trying to get the savings from the staff. Loyal staff who put Tesco into the No. 1 position.

Eve de Harben.
Caldicot, South Wales.

Sir Terry's Direct Number at Tesco

If anybody knows this please let me know at

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Tesco "Costumer" Complains!

Julie published:

I have not yet received a reply to the 1st email, is this how your costumers are treated ?
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: JULIE (Removed by Tesco-Complaint)
Sent: Sunday, 15 October, 2006 7:30:24 PM
Subject: Fruit and Vegetables
Julie, in case you read this blog please contact to get a response from Tesco and use Tesco-Complaint ( to publicise your complaint on this blog. We can't reply on behalf of Tesco but we're sure they will start with a meaningless cheap apology. Anyway, what type of costumes do you make? ;)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tesco gets it's wilt on...

I just subscribed to this blog and having noticed the complaint from Julie about quickly rotting fruit I decided to write about my similar experience when I ordered a dozen red roses for Valentines day. The flowers looked good on arrival, but within 2 hours had wilted, by the next day they had fallen over completely.

I would never buy flowers from Tesco ever again, the quality is terrible and the customer service number puts you on hold for long periods when you do try to complain. Thanks for this website and for the Tesco email addresses so I can now share my complaint.

Kind regards, Susan

Every little helps? Not this Tesco coke addict!

I've come to rely on my Tesco's in Shettleson Glasgow. Being disabled it is the only large store in my area. Tesco customer service stinks, I need caffeine free coke (a coke addict but no longer able to take caffeine in my diet). I have the choice of Brand name or Tesco's own, or should that say I should have the choice. Tesco have constantly not stocked their own brand so they can meet their targets on brand stuff.

Now I have complained and complained about stocking and each time they have promised they will do something about it. Now they finally have, now they only stock 4 bottles at a time but to ensure they don't become unstocked they have put them on unreachable shelves.

Now not only do I need to go to the Tesco customer services desk repeatedly to try and get some stocked, but now - if there are any finally in stock - I still need to go to the Tesco customer services desk to get someone to fetch the bottles down for me (and they usually need to stand on something to get it themselves)!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Our Tesco Future?

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Rot sets in quicker at Tesco?

I have been a customer at Tesco in Sutton Coldfield for many years and have not complained before, however the time comes when one gets fed up of buying produce that appears to be fresh, very cold to touch and looks fine on the shelf but looks completely the opposite within 4 hours of buying it.

I try and not buy fruit or vegetables from the store due to it not lasting more than a day or two. I believe Tesco make a huge profit from its customers but appear to be selling produce that is not up to standard.

I purchased 8 bananas which looked perfect on the shelf but 4 hours later were black and bruised. I believe that Tesco have a history of food complaints. If the store would have been open I would have taken the produce back but due to buying the items on Sunday I could not.

Do I continue to shop at Tesco? - I don't know.

I await Tesco's response.

With Regards
Julie (Surname removed by Tesco-Complaint)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tesco-Complaint in the blogosphere

The blogosphere is a rather lively place with views springing out from all parts of the moral spectrum. With reference to this diversity we have found two somewhat opposing blogs that have given tesco-complaint little hugs.

First up is Supermarket Sweep-Up run by the rather astute Dave Miller, a supermarket-independent member of the British public, who examines issues such as corporate governance and impact on society. The blog contains lots of information about what Tesco is up to together with solutions to the onslaught of Tesco in the form of alternative shopping and awareness campaigns.

Secondly is the anonymous offering of Supermarket Follies penned by one of the older ladies that you may well meet at your local supermarket customer service desk (apparently not Tesco) who blogs about the small things, normally customers, that annoy her. Tesco-complaint likes to think of it as a Customer dis.Servant's blog but you judge for yourself!

Enjoy the site and the links above and in the sidebar and please keep the public complaints coming in by emailing your complaint anonymously to whereupon it will automatically appear on this blog.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Will the real Tesco 24 please stand up?

I am annoyed. I have had one huge job in finding an e mail address to contact Tesco to complain but hopefully this will reach the right parties.

I just drove out to the Exeter Exe Vale 24 hour Tesco at 23.57. The 20 foot Tesco sign on the roundabout at the beginning of the estate was brightly lit with the words WE ARE OPEN. I drove on into the store car park, parked and walked up to the doorway only to be stopped by a security guard and told the store was closed due to building work. I told the guard that the sign on the roundabout was advertising WE ARE OPEN and asked where they informed customers of the store being closed. He pointed to an A frame INSIDE the store doorway. I pointed out that it was of little use there where customers could only see it once they had parked and walked right up to the entrance. On driving out, (past more customers driving IN to the store) the 20 foot lit sign at the roundabout to the estate was still aglow with the words 'WE ARE OPEN'. Wouldn't it be a good idea and kinder to your customers to just turn this off and perhaps even put a sign here to say it is closed due to building work?

There are many people in the Exeter area who will be driving to the store during the night experiencing the same annoyance as myself. This would at least save us from parking and walking to the door. I am surprised at management not having the savvy to make sure that customers are not inconvenienced in this way? I will also write to the store manager as I doubt very much whether I shall get any response from emailing as Tesco seem to do all they can to make sure customers cannot contact and complain in this way.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Tesco - Breaking the Law and Own Policy?

Over the last five weeks it has been well documented by many Tesco customers on various internet forums that most branches of Tesco nationwide have been displaying misleading price indications on computer games consoles. These problems appear to have affected all branches nationwide and have originated at Head Office level.

Stores have displayed promotional Point Of Sale material on the shelves stating:

  • "Save £20 when you buy an Xbox and Game Of The Week" and
  • "Save £10 when you buy a PSP and Game Of The Week".

However, as many customers have discovered, the advertised discounts have not applied by the tills when customers have purchased the relevant items. This is caused by the "Game Of The Week" posters being out of date or incorrect, although this is not apparent to any customer who reads the poster.

At present most branches of Tesco are also displaying Point of Sale material offering "10% off all Pay As You Go mobile phones". Once again, many customers including myself have found that no discount is applied to the original price when a number of the mobile phones are purchased. In the case of the Motorola L6 Virgin Mobile phone, staff have claimed that the current sale price of £69.99 has already had the 10% discount deducted. However, this is untrue as the phone has never been on sale by Tesco for more than £69.99.

As you may already be aware, all Tesco stores nationwide have a sign on display in their stores (usually behind the Customer Service desk) entitled "Our Promise", which states the following:

"In the unlikely event you are charged a higher price than on the shelf or the product we will refund your money and you can keep the product" (This 'refund and retain' policy statement does not have any conditions or small print attached to it).

In my own experience, and in the experience of hundreds of other customers across the country, Tesco have refused to honour this policy on games consoles or other items of a high value when they have overcharged for them.

Some of their implausible and often ridiculous excuses have included:

"The policy only applies to food and drink items."

"In the case of multisave offers (i.e. buy two or more items and receive a discount) which fails to be deducted at the till, we have not actually overcharged you - we have just forgotten to give you your discount."

"Our policy is at the manager's discretion, and the manager says no."

"Each customer is only entitled to have the benefit of the policy on a maximum of one/two/three products." (the amount varies from store to store)

"You noticed you had been overcharged before you left the store, and therefore the policy does not apply".

When some customers have elevated their complaints to Tesco's Head Office after the branch refused to honour company policy, individual store managers have taken the decision to issue a lifetime ban on that customer entering their store.

I have myself been issued with such a ban by my local store. Tesco have insinuated that by me trying to obtain a refund on a games console after they overcharged me for it, I am in some way committing fraud. I entirely refute their allegation since it is Tesco who committed a criminal offence by overcharging me in the first place, and I have simply tried to obtain a refund under their advertised policy.

The real reason for these banning orders is that managers feel threatened by observant customers who are aware of their legal rights. It is far easier for them to ban these customers rather than to operate an honest, law-obiding business.

There are two issues here:

  1. The numerous and widespread breaches by Tesco of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 by displaying misleading price indications. These are criminal offences.
  2. The misleading policy statement on display in every store, which Tesco frequently refuse to honour. This is currently under investigation by the Advertising Standards Authority.
Over the last five weeks I have been overcharged on a total of 18 occasions by several Tesco stores. In all but two of these cases, the stores have refused to honour their advertised policy on overcharging. I have been astonished at the ignorance of the law displayed by some of the managers and duty managers of the above stores. When I have explained the legalities of the situation, they have denied that they are doing anything wrong by displaying incorrect pricing information.

The rudeness of the staff (including managers) has at times been absolutely shocking.

The forum section of the website contains hundreds of customers' examples of Tesco's overcharging and subsequent refusal to honour their policy.

Tesco Reported to The Police For Assault!

Just had a terrible experience in the Tesco Kilmarnock store. Noticed £20 off Virgin & Vodafone handsets was still on offer. Bought a Motorola L6 and discount didn't come off. Pointed this out at CS and SA went back to shelf, removed the A4 poster and said she'd speak to her manager. She said "It's not your fault, you'll get your money back. This is out of date" I replied I was familiar with this policy as it happened a few weeks ago too with a book I'd bought.

Waited at desk for a few minutes and the next thing I know 3 or 4 staff were around me with the manager waving the A4 poster in my face saying "Where did you get this, this is not our point of sale" I replied "Excuse me" at which point he started a total rant and told the CS guy to call the police! He was saying "I'm fed up with this, we've had this in here before, I'm not giving you a refund, just call the police" He then proceeded to rip up the poster in front of my face stating "THERE!" I asked him exactly what he was accusing me of and if he thought I printed my own poster. He answered that he wasn't giving me any refund and that was that. I asked for his name which he gave but was very aggressive and attempting to be intimidating throughout. This at the front door of Tesco at 5.45 on a Friday evening, very embarrassing. I asked what he would like me to do now as he had stated that he was calling the police. He replied "Just go" He still had my reciept and top up voucher which I asked him to return and he had crunched them up in his hand in his anger!

I then left the shop and I went to the police station to report his threatening and abusive manner and to keep myself in the right. Head Office closed by the time I got home so I'll be calling first thing tomorrow. Is it better to do this in writing or over the phone?

Any help greatly appreciated.

Apologies for the inconvenience...

Welcome to and thanks for reading this new blog, a satirical examination of Tesco Customer dis.Service spiced up with a little practical help to get your complaints resolved.

This blog is to highlight the concerns of customers of Tesco who have suffered poor customer service. If you have suffered please let us know and we will publish your complaints. You can complain by email to Tesco Customer Service and cc us to the email so we can publish it here. You can even publish your complaint directly to the blog yourself simply by emailing the blog posting bot at It will be interesting to see what sorts of problems arise regularly and whether Tesco do anything to stop such problems or simply repeatedly "apologise for the inconvenience" caused...

We will also be countenancing action plans to get your problems and disputes with Tesco resolved which will include accessing your legal right to take Tesco to court to solve complaints.

The first tale of poor customer service woe at Tesco will be blogged shortly. In the meantime we'd like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience we may cause you. And then repeatedly after that without ever sorting anything out. That's good customer service after all ... isn't it?

Stay tuned (or better still atom subscribed!)