Contact Tesco
It seems that it is rather difficult to find Tesco's contact details especially on Tesco's own website... Are Tesco trying to discourage contact with customers? We're sure Tesco would thank Tesco-Complaint for posting Tesco contact details here to make contacting Tesco that bit easier for their customers.
Perhaps you want to complain to Tesco or write to Tesco about the quality of their in-store or online customer service. Perhaps you want to contact Sir Terry Leahy, Chief Executive Officer of Tesco PLC? Perhaps you're simply searching for Tesco's complaints email? Either way it seems a lot of visitors to this site stumble here after a Google search for Tesco's contact details, telephone number, head office address or customer service email address. We'd like to make life easy for you so below are the best contact details we have on file for Tesco:
Tesco Head Office address:
Sir Terry LeahyTesco Telephone numbers:
Tesco PLC
New Tesco House
Delamare Rd
Cheshunt EN8 9SL
Tesco Freephone: 0800 50 55 55Tesco CEO (Tesco Chief Executive) email address:
Tesco Clubcard Freephone: 0800 591688
Tesco Switchboard: 01992 632222
Tesco Press Office: 01992 644 645
Tesco PLC Investor Relations: 01992 646484
terry.leahy@uk.tesco.comTesco Customer Service email address: YOUR COMPLAINT ABOUT TESCO HERE BY EITHER:
(1) Emailing our auto-posting service at " (AT)". The subject line of your email will become the title of your post entry and the body of your email will become the body of your post. Your email address won't be published and no attachments will be processed. Click here.
(2) Emailing us directly - click below:

We always recommend contacting Terry Leahy's office as opposed to Customer Services and we also encourage you to publish your complaint on Tesco-Complaint since doing so actually improves the chances of a successful resolution to your query (see here).
If anyone would like to add their own Tesco contact details please feel free to do so by adding your comment to this post using the "Leave Comments" link below.
* Grocery
Telephone 0845 7225533, 9am to 11pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 6pm Sunday, or email us at
* Books, Music, Video, DVD, Flowers, Games and Wine
Telephone 0845 7225533, 9am to 11pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 6pm Sunday, or email us at
* Clubcard
Telephone 0800 591688, 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday, or email us at
* Tesco DVD Rental
Telephone 0845 3105003, Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm, or email us at
* Electricals
Telephone 0870 6076060 8am to 11pm (7 days a week), or email us at
* Tesco Legal Store
Telephone 020 73944044, Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm, or email us at
Technical helpdesk 0906 301 8000, 8am to midnight 7 days a week. Calls charged at 50p a minute. Or email us at
* Tesco Stores
Telephone 0800 505555, 9am to 6pm Monday to Saturday, or email us at
If you're complaining about a specific store you can get the store number from the bottom of your till receipt along with the cashier number if they are part of your complaint.
The store number is the four digit number immediately after the date and time and the cashier number is the next four digit number.
This will help them to pinpoint exactly where/who you are unhappy with.
ok, so you go to, click on Contact Us button and, hey! you get all tesco's contact details. All that is required is a bit of common sense and the ability to read English.
just found giant black insect in my "ready to eat" watercress salad. Thanks Tesco
I started work for Tesco Express in June 2010. I was with them for two weeks. I won't go into details about why I left so soon after joining, but suffice to say it was my own choosing.
The last day I worked at the store was in the second week of July. It took them until the last week of October to actually pay me and forward my p45. I am still waiting for an apology from them for this delay...
How Tesco treats their employees that`s a very good question. According to their spots Every Little Helps they should be the most perfect company in the world. But I need to say NO!! I`ve been employed by Tesco since June 2010 and for whole this time every day I keep asking me the same question: Why in 21st Century in UK - country of law and equality such big employer as Tesco can rip their employees without punishment for that????????????? Someone should start talking, people can`t be afraid!!!
Simply, we need to start from the beginning when they give you contract to sign and you supposed to work 36.5 hours and during 9 hours shift you will have 1.5 hours break. That`s just in your dreams!! When you do 9 hours shift you just have a chance to have 0.5 hour break and just if you lucky enough because you have so many things to do and other people have priority before you.
But the most annoying and depressing thing is when you work and you don`t know how much you earn. So many people will ask why you don`t know?? But answer is simple you signed contract with hourly wages but since they finally started paying you they didn`t even bother to send your payslips. That`s might sound funny but believe me when you are in this situation nothing seems to be funny. Depressed employee tries to phone Personnel Manager and ask where our payslips are? She seems to be surprised we haven`t received them. She doesn`t even care about them and about our physical health. So many times I`ve heard "This is not my problem" or "I don`t have a time for this conversation".
So please can someone tell me why hard-working employees are treated like that?? We do have right to get our payslips because it`s illegal behaviour not getting them. I saw on your website someone complained about P45 and missing payments. I know this fight must be hard for this person but apart from him there is so many other people who try to fight and try to implement our rights but unsuccessfully. So maybe you can help us???
If you have any questions please don`t hesitate to ask. Any other comments are also very welcomed.
Best regards
It must be horrible to be hurt by tesco's especially you do a lot for them and you go out of your way to please - no matter how hard you work or how loyal in your job and that includes going the extra mile ( just to please the boss ) ---- you end up gutted as in my case later the store closed down more than 8 years ago -- what a shock to learn what this particular store manager had done to me.I am deeply hurt because of tesco's and neither will I get over it.
we were so upset when tesco's customer service staff said we didn't have commen sense. only because we didn't exchang voucher into token before we shopping, what the hell of commen sense it is.the language their staff and manager used was so unrespectful such as " No we can't, You didn't read our leaflet, That is commen sense, Don't shout". we just wanted to use voucher to buy a xmas tree, later we were too upset to return everything we bought. we were deedply hurt, and Tesco pre-ruined our xmas.
Tesco "Every little helps" should be named "Every little sucks". They treat their staff like rubbish. They have no consideration for the genuinely sick and make them feel rotten for being off but those who can't be bothered to work, get away with murder.
I am extremely disappointed with Richard William Evans ---- Extremely disappointed with this particular store manager ...... I wished I never met this person !!!!!
Richard William Evans .... What a store manager for trouble !!!!
The nearest Tesco store to me is a complete and utter shambles-the Manager/ess doesn't give a toss if shelves are stacked, the staff always have that expresionless face on them, rude and can't be bothered, and the worst bit is that most of the staff are related to each about keepoing it in the family??? The Store?? TESCO, NEW OLLERTON, NOTTS. anyone who has ever shopped there will agree. Can't wait for Asda to change the local Netto, that's where i'll be going from then on...
does anybody know what the numbers on the bottom of the receipt means?
Do you have an email address for Tony Keohane, CEO of Tesco Ireland? Sick of arguing over their 'no-quibble' guarantee, what a sick joke, heard every feeble excuse from them at this stage, wondering if anyone has ever successfully gotten an item free of charge as they promise?
really fed up with tesco bar codes always wrong last wk charged £3 more for a item this wk £13 for 6 cans of cat food not to mention the wild swings in prices pound less for 1 thing pound extre for another. tesco stop the silly gimmicks and treat people fair every bit does,nt count in your case just take all the while so please sort it out stowmarket tesco
Dorset Cereals can spell "cherries", but,oh dear, it's "cherrys" on the Tesco sign
After finding 'cream' in the bottom of my tea cup, went tto check the milk and found that the long life milk my husband bought from Tesco is OVER 6 MONTHS past its 'best before' date. Yeuk! Wish I'd noticed before I drank some of it. If I die from botulism have told my family to sue!
Tesco are ripping us off, their has gone from 2.79 to 3.49 in a matter of weeks, bet theres no 20% price drop !!!!!!rip off !!!!
Are you aware that article 4 of the Human rights act is the prohibition of slavery and that in expecting humans to undertake labour on your premises for less then the national minimum wage you are in fact breaching this act? This is unlawful (legal and lawful are not the same).
You aught to be highly ashamed of yourselves. I hope this nation boycotts you, your petrol and your services to highlight how inhumane your ethics truly are and may the Lord, our God judge you all righteously.
Tesco cars scam. Don't buy a car from tesco cars -- awful scam going on there. U put down £99 deposit for a car and wait.. few weeks pass and tesco phones to say the car you booked is no longer available and you google search to find same car on another private car dealers site for £2000 more. Clearly they wait and allow car dealers to outbid you even when you have seemingly saved the car for yourself with the deposit.
This happened to me twice !!! And happened to my brother once. Both of us never went near their conman car site again.
Ps ignore the "testimonies" on their site too -- they are all positive ones. -- clearly fake testimonies by tesco. My brother and I typed and added our negative testimonys only to (surprise surprise) see they were never added to the customer testimony section.
BEWARE. SCAM to get lots of people putting £99 deposits down so they keep this money and invest it etc before eventually giving back. £99 seems peanuts but if they have tens of thousands of people putting such deposits down then that becomes a lot of money to invest with for a month of so before telling u they gave your car away !!
tesco's should just shut down i would spit in their bosses face... somebody hit my car in their car park and they didn't even help me out and neither did they even try. and one thing if somebody were to get hit and died their they couldn't find put who it was because they don't have cctv... tesco's make sure your ready for me because this isn't going to go away people don't find their money off the streets.
I have been conned twice at two diffrent tesco stores. they put offers on so you buy the offers then you go to tills and the money for the offer has not been taken off. so you go to customer service to be told that its not that item but the other flavours that are on offer...TESCOS ARE THE BIGGEST RIP OF MERCHANTS ABOUT. Do they think we are stupid......
I'm Well Aware What Earls Court Tesco Store Is Like -- Not Very Nice Staff I Know!!!
I am about to issue a Notice of Legal Action on Tescos - any idea where best to send it?
I have been trying to get a refund of £697.94 for a duplicated payment to tesco mobile since the end of January 2012. The payment in question was originally declined due to a difference in address on my son's account. My bank have confirmed they have received it but they are denying it. They have had every bit of proof and I must have spoken to nearly everyone in the call centre. So I am going to contact the CEO.
I have been trying to get a refund of £697.94 for a duplicated payment to tesco mobile since the end of January 2012. The payment in question was originally declined due to a difference in address on my son's account. My bank have confirmed they have received it but they are denying it. They have had every bit of proof and I must have spoken to nearly everyone in the call centre. So I am going to contact the CEO.
Dear Sirs,
I have constantly had issues with the hygiene standards of Barkingside store
when they cut the bread.I have complained numerous times to the manager
over the priod.Each time I have been assured it not happned again.But
it continues.
The issue over the staff using bare hands from what ever they are doing
and then cutting the bread and handling it still with their bare
hands.Sometimes the staff when asked or remeinded will wear gloves
other times, they will ensure it is not touched by the hand.The Friday
prior to the jubilees bank holiday, as I qued to have the brad sliced,
a staff came along from whatever he was doing and then touch the body
in a hug of another customer, and moved to take my bread to slice.When
I asked what was he going to do about his hands esspecially he now
touched a customers clothes, his response was arrogantly, I will not do
anything but slice the bread.On my objection, he started a tirade of
disatisfaction convesartion with a cleaner insiode that he wa snot
going to wear glioves all day long, etc.He also did NOT offer to wash
his hands.
When I asked for the manager,he rudely raisng his voice and said "go to
teh customer service.After twenty minutes of waiting for the manager,
Anish, when I explained to him the situation, he agreed that it was not
acceptable behaviour nor would he accept bread cut in that condition.He
returned to the bakery and the the chap, who refused to wash his hands
turn thye conversation and started addressing me as SIR now, when a few
minutes ago his arrogance was astounding!I was assured by Anish that
the matter would be looked into and I contacted the following
wednesday, but to date, absolutely NOTHING has been communicated by the
I want to know what exactly is the policy on bread handling as Anish
then gave a completely different story from the previous mangers- it
contradidted what the preivious managers had assured me.
I will be writing to the tesco headquarters MR Leahy and also the
Redbridge Hygiene standards.
The worker called craig was not only arrogant and rude and went on
constantly while I was quietly waiting for the manager , but while
Anish was cutting the bread he continued to give the odd remarks and
stares as if how dare yolu ... When I pointed this out to Anish Craig
and the cleaner denied they ever carried in my presence about my
request and making it a joke.
I am disgusted that to day, YOUR manager ANISH has mde no conact nor
rung to explain or foward me copy of the bread handling policy that I
requated and he promised to send me.
I would urge every customer to chack and watch how they take the bread,
sometimes while sweeping, and other times having handled food trollies
and straight taking the bread and then handling it with bare
hands.This is not acceptable nor should be tolerated in silence.
Despite my numerous complaints it clearly appears Tesco managers at
Barkingide have NO interest in issue guidance on handling bread wityh
bare hands, esspcially when they have handled something else and not
washed their hands.
I will be forwarding this to Ilford recorder,Mr Leahy and the redbridge
Hello Ray,
i am a baker in another store.
We are not permitted to have gloves in the bakery at any Tesco store as it can cause third party contamination if it gets caught up in the product.
However, I do agreed (and it is standard practise at my store) that we wash our hands before handling a customers bread.
Perhaps though, customers would pay us the courtesy back of not tutting and sighing that we're keeping them waiting whilst we do so.
Just before Christmas one particular customer threw 2 Tiger loaves right at me because I wanted to wash my hands before I touched his bread.
Shame on this site for being so biased. Tut tut!
tesco delievery staff think it ok to start the van up and rev up at 9.55 pm when they close the delievery till the next day and when u just got a baby a sleep they just laugh at u they are a disgrace as a company especially when they let staff take the vehicular home that why i dont shop there
Hi u know tesco supports as one of its minor charity's Gay Pride. when this became public, they tried to go back on the agreement because of the public back lash from christians and moral lobbyists. however I have been told by a christian watchdog organisation Gay pride wasn't pleased to they where bullied into keeping on with the support. in fact tesco was the major sponser to the gay pride march in London last weekend. in my view gay pride is a useless charity the don't help people living or struggling in a same sex relationship. they just encourage them onto the streets to make bigger fools of them selves. make your own decisions.... maybe for this and some other reasons like not taking complaints seriously, they are going to the back of list of public preferred suppermarkets
I am so so unimpressed by Tesco mobile!! I tried to order a pay monthly phone on the 21st June but it never got processed and was cancelled and I was never notified. I just found out by logging on to my tesco mobile customer log in page. I have been charged £10 for this order and I have tried countless times to try and find out which department within tesco mobile to get this sorted. I finally sent my email with n attached copy of my bank statement to and this evening I get a reply asking me to fill out the online form!!! I tried this last night and it DIDN'T work!! frustrating! JUst tried again - same problem! How am I supposed to get a refund if they arent going to open my email?! I cant attach a copy of my statement to the online form!! Going to call head office tomorrow. Terrible service.
Just to make you laugh now! Ages ago now, I ordered my tesco groceries for home delivery and they didnt have all the toilet tissue I wanted so they substituted it.... with photocopying paper!!!!! I kept it :) not for bottom use obviously!
Just been to tesco at fleetsbridge poole dorset. By mistake paid at the pump. Went to the kiosk to redeem my 5p /litre off and was told to get s-----d. Tried customer service and was told the same. So shoppers. Hold every one up when filling with petrol, go to the kiosk and give tesco a hard time. OR go to a friendlier petrol station.
I recently filled my car up in Basildon. Soon after the engine light came on and now isn't running. It's been confirmed my petrol has been contaminated.I phoned tesco up but they said they have had 'no one has complained' when I found this;
They said they will look into it, and havent heard anything from them!
Last year I was on a long journey and being disabled (not apparent I dont use a wheelchair) with a weak bladder I needed a wee, it was 4.30pm, we stopped to get some food and drinks from tesco and use the loo, only to be told by the staff and the sercruity guard that they shut them at 6pm, I said 'its 4.30pm, they said that kids like to get into them and damage them so they lock them early, I said 'come with me, I dont care I need to wee before I wet myself' they said 'sorry no' even though he had the key on him.
I was in tears, we found a nearby mcdonalds (After I nearly went in the carpark, yes I Was that desperate) and I went in and used it no problems.
Im a adult and if I hada guard with me why would I destroy the toliet?
I was going to complain but I thought whats the point? What will they do? nothing.
I bought a tescon phone in march 2011, its noe july 2012, and after paying £20 in july 2011, Im STILL waiting for them to unlock it!! A procedure that thats all of 5 seconds has taken tesco OVER a year, IVe called them nearly everyday and Im at the point of giving up and chucking the phone after spending a extra £20 calling them to sort this out!
I sent a complaint in to them for them to reply to tell me to call the 'helpful techinical helpline' WHAT do they think I have been doing for a year?!!! I HAVE been calling the bloody techincal helpline!
for god sake a money can unlock a phone and its taken tesco a year with no success, ANyone?! advice!? help?! £40 lost?!
I had my shopping delivered a few days ago, I had a broken hand and was struggling to pick up the shopping, the delivery guy never offered to help and watched me struggle and dropped and break everything, and he stood there rolling his eyes and tapping his foot!
In the end I was trying to pick up thigns one handed and broke something very heavy, he still didnt help me and was trying to hurry me up.
Not every little helps, but no help at all :-(
tesco drivers get 6 minutes to unload shopping from the van,and deliver it.
if you take a minute to answer the door,thats 5 if you live up 3 flights of stairs and have 8 trays,taking into account that drivers should only carry 1tray at a time by tesco rules.that can easyly take 10 mins,now the driver has to make up 4 mins.he cant make that time up on the roads as the vans are tracked and traveling times are timed and he will get a disaplinary for speeding or even the sack,so the driver stars to carry 2trays at a time,now only 2mins left to make up,,next customer is not in so the driver has to ring the customer who is just round the corner at a freinds and will be only 2mins,driver has to wait the two mins or call back a little later.each van normally carrys aprox 700 kgs of shopping,thats the morning done,now back to the store for a refil and out again with hardly if any break because customers want there shopping on time.
to all that read this,,if the drivers tapping his foot its because he's exausted and late and hasnt got the energy at the end of the day to spend time with his kids and just falls asleep on the soffa.not nice.
oh yes and dont forget all the health and safety issues,that are completely ignored in exits blocked,rats,and general filth behind the seams,
thats just scraping the top of.after working at a big store i would never eat food from there again.
I ordred a fridge and paid cash for it and they said we will deliver it tomorrow, later they said sorry the day after tomorrow four hrs later they said coz of olympic and olympic lines we will send it to u after olympic or in september. i went to tesco but i was threated V V V V V BAD they said we wont give u ur money as we will send u the fridge.WHEN TESCO SAYS SOMTHEING THEY DO NOT MEAN IT, THEY ARE LIERS,TODAY IT IS 26,07,2012 THEY SAID NEXT DAY AND FOUR HRS LATER THEY SAID IN SEPTEMBER WHICH IS TWO MONTHS LATER. I WAS SHOCKED TO HEAR THAT.IN TWO MONTHS TIME U CAN BRING A FRIDGE FROME ANOTHER PLANET.THE STAFFS R RUDE THEY DO NOT SAY HELLO OR HI, THEY JUST PASSED ME TO EACH OTHER,I M REALLY PISSSSSSSSSSSSSED OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF WITH THE WAY THEY THREATED ME.INSTEAD OF HELPING ME THEY SAID U CAN GO AND COMPLAIN,THEY KNOW THAT F U COMPLAIN FROM SOMEONE, TESCO PROMOTS THAT GUY,they do not have proper management.THREE PEOPLE CAME TO ME AND SAID WE ARE MANAGERS BUT NO ONE HELPED ME.THIS TISCO IS IN (((((HAYES BULLS BRIDGE STORE 2642)))) f u dont belive what i wrote here u can go and try it urself and see how helpfull they are!!!! there are more staff than costumers but they DO NOT help.
My 2 year old was injoured in tesco after a big price of metal from what they call the 'dumpbins' which are the yellow things at the end of the isles that have the 'on offer' items in them fell onto my pram and hurt her neck and crushed her finger and thumb, I know that accidents happen but its the fact that I had to speak to 3 members of staff before anyone acknowledged that my daughter had been hurt or asked if she was ok and while the 5th person I spoke to had the sense to call the first wider and took me to wait by the entrance, the security guard was talking to the other security guard and kept swearing in earshot of my 2 year old which annoyed me, so the first aider did his thing and we filled in the injoured person form and they took 2 phone numbers from me and said they would call to find out what happened at the hospital and 4 days on iv not heard a thing.
Hi i also work for tesco i kno exactly where your coming from my manger seems to be really bad n is getting away with everything sleeping with members of staff playing mindgames and using bullying tatics to make me and other member of staff uncomftable so they will just leave. its worked on a few members of staff n they have walked out but im sticking it out n not giving him the satifaction also there been a bit discrimiation especially when i had my review recently i got marked down for need to improve my appearence because i come
Into work hungover ive not done that since march n my manger kept goin on how a few months ago i wouldnt leave the house without wearing make up n now i dont wear any yet my uniform is fine apparently n i got told i need to make sure i dnt look hungover i very rarley go out anymore even if im off the next day and its not that im hungover its because im costantly tired with doin early shifts n lates to earlys so i wont get out of work on a monday untill about 11:30 then im bk in at half 6 in the morning then for the next 3 days im on earlys So basically it like there trying to tell me i have to wear make up are they fuckin stupid that they didnt relise i was signed off work for a month with deppession and that may affect my work n weather i want to wear makeup or not n while i was off that another story to tell how i was treated which made me even more deppressed N put more stress on me changing my holidays n saying i never booked them off even tho i had people double checking n demanding notes from when i was addmitted to hospital aNd from when i was discharged and when i phoned in To say i wasnt coming in because i was goin to the hospital and i was really upset he wouldnt let me get a word in edge ways and was swearing n shouting at me down the phone. Theres a whole lot more that hes done too.
Everyone that has been pushed out of there job by him. we all have something in common we all kno something that may cost him is job.......
brought a pay monthly blackberry mobile from tesco bar hill but when i got home found that it was missing some of its apps. Rung the helpline and they sent them as a download but a month later the same thing happened. They told me Blackberry had stopped my account!! They then sent them again to me to download but again a month later they disappeared this went on for 4 months!!! They then sent it for repair but ended up giving me a new phone, but now the battery wont hold charge. it has been sent away for checks but they cant/wont find anything wrong with it. Now they phone wont even turn on but i am told that because it seems like a battery problem, this is not covered by the guarantee the battery is only guaranteed for 6 months. I WAS NOT TOLD ANY OF THIS WHEN I BROUGHT THE PHONE. It is apparently in the small print!! EVERY LITTLE HELPS AS LONG AS TESCO DOES NOT NEED TO WORK FOR IT! Do not get a mobile from tesco. My phone has been back 3 times for repairs and it still does not work correctly. A BAD MISTAKE ON MY PART FOR BUYING IT. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
Tesco in flitwick show no respect to local residents by carrying out work on sunday evenings till 12 midnight and beyond. During recent works environmental health made them stop work at 9pm now were back to late nights, view of the manager was to get the work done so it does not inconvenience customers in opening hours in the week.
In the last 3 weeks, 3 people from the Court where we live have ordered items from Tesco Direct on 3 separate occasions. On each occasion the delivery driver has not bothered to use the secure entry button but just left the parcel outside the main door where anybody could take it.
Each time we've phoned theyu have said they will speak to the Courier Company. Ekither these are empty words and they don't care about their internet customers or the Manager of the Courier Company is deaf.
I would advise you NOT to use Tesco Direct, the service is so slipshod and uncaring.
In the last 3 weeks, 3 people from the Court where we live have ordered items from Tesco Direct on 3 separate occasions. On each occasion the delivery driver has not bothered to use the secure entry button but just left the parcel outside the main door where anybody could take it.
Each time we've phoned theyu have said they will speak to the Courier Company. Ekither these are empty words and they don't care about their internet customers or the Manager of the Courier Company is deaf.
I would advise you NOT to use Tesco Direct, the service is so slipshod and uncaring.
The customer service i've had dealing with tesco was a joke!stay away from the tesco express store on248fulham rd not helpful and i will not be shopping at tesco again.
I have bought aptamil milk powder for my 4month baby. when i came to home and i open the lid inside seal has completely opened and some one left different white powder inside clear bag. It was shocked me.
had a tesco loan in 2004 but got into trouble, tesco refused to hlep and told me if i DEFUALTED then I could be put on a payment plan. instead they got a CCJ on me, Paid this in full a year later when I had then funds , when c
applying fir a job that required a credit check discovered that they never updated the paid loan which cost me my job, and the compensation for that 300 measly quid the FOS made them pay, otherwise iy would have been nothing. I became very suspicious on the samount I asctually paid back for the loan and asked for all my information so I could deduce whether they had indeed overcharged me, and guess what they have not sent anything other than a poxy excell spreadsheet (which did show a certain overpayment) and nothing showing charges, defaul letters never received any) telephine calls all should be given under data protection laws.
Complained everyday to them promises of call backs, letters, my information but still zilch
peoples never ever use this company, shop with them or even breath past thier store, they will lie, cheat and steal from you
I found this link when looking for a way to complain about Tesco as employers. I've recently been laid off from my temporary contracts and today (31/08/2012) was meant to be payday and I have had fuck all from them. One of the other girls, who has been laid off too, has said we don't get paid until Tuesday or a week Tuesday. It is completely unfair that we have to wait for our pay while others have already been paid. I understand that they want to pay all our hours they owe us in one go. Throughout the whole of August I have worked for them nearly everyday except for 3 days. Since yesterday I have been off work ill because I am basically exhausted from all the hours I have put in for them and now to find out today that I haven't been paid has really put the icing on the cake. So ladies and gentlemen, don't work for Tesco or you will have your life sucked out of you.
Another disgusting part about Tesco is that they say they support Cancer Research UK but when it comes to an employee or family member of an employee who has cancer, they don't want to fucking know. A friend of mine had cancer and his Tesco tried to get him to quit his job so they didn't have to pay him. They are the biggest hypocrites in the world.
Are you clinically retarded or just a good actor?
Read the signs before using a car park, then you wont get upset about stupid things like that... "Users do so at their own risk" is a basic pretext used in EVERY car park in the country.
Stop crying and move on.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I fail to see why you stock flowers and whilst you do have a choice of selected small, large, finest bunches, you never have any flower bags to put the arrangement in. All I get met with when I ask where the flower bags are when I go to purchase the flowers is “we have not had any in stock or been sent any since Mother’s Day”. No apologies. He/she then passes me a Tesco food bag to hold the end of the flowers bag. This is not acceptable. I do not want to hand over a bunch of flowers with the flimsy free Tesco bags you provide for food. If you stock/sell flowers, then you should provide the whole package and accompany the bunches with the flower carrying bag.
I purchased the finest arrangement @ £15 and had to go buy more flowers from Marks and Spencers who were well stocked with flower bags in order to receive a flower bag, they even gave me one for your flowers purchase.
I have purchased many more flower arrangements since and still no flower bags. I will not be purchasing anymore.
Dissatisfied Customer
i recently tried ordering 4 phones online for my children, because of bulk buying policy i couldnt do this. i instead made 2 seperate orders at differant times to try and get round it and at first it worked. half an hour later however one of the orderds was cancelled, so i rang tesco direct up on its money making call line and explained the problem. the operative made me another order and i thought all was well till the phones arrived and two were the wrong ones. trying to return 2 and reorder 2 was a nightmare which only got resolved after i phoned the 0845 number 5 times for a total of nearly 45 mins, travelled a round trip of 20+ miles in my car and went to 3 seperate stores. online shopping is suppose to be stress free NOT!!!! i have emailed the company and complained and have they done anything NO all i have received is an automatic response email. i now travel 13 miles extra to go to morrisons. tesco will never be used by me again.
I order my grocery with dot com. I lived on the 2nd floor and the driver asked me to help him to carry those trays up. When I said to him I can't because I had C-section 5 days ago he was really upset. My husband went to help him....and I called the driver's manager (I work in the same store).
my friend has been trying to get money owed her through wages and shares which went missing and our right when we were taken over on a tupe agreement she has done this through the union but as they work for tesco no one will help
Online shopping gives you a reserved delivery slot, oh no they don't someone else can book your slot if they are first to the check out. I am hopping mad went online and booked my slot when I came to pay I was sent back to the book a slot screen. Customer services explained that other people can reserve the same slot as you and whoever gets to check out first has the slot. Why tell people that their slot is reserved when it clearly is not, Tesco's really do need to sort this out I have totally wasted my time, I do not want my shopping delivery the next day! Customer services say 'sorry' how is that going to resolve my situation? DO NOT PROMISE WHAT YOU CAN NOT DELIVER BE HONEST IT IS NOT RESERVED AT ALL!!!!!! I will not be using Tesco's again for a long time, with their profits falling they really need to sit up and listen.
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I am so angry right now with Tesco as a previous employee. I have been offered a new job, after being let go from my last job which was tesco, and I had to put my previous employer down as a reference, which was Tesco. I learnt that the store don't do references but they get sent to Head Office. I finished my last job because I thought I was going to be starting my new job soon. I have now been without work for 4 weeks, lost 4 weeks of pay, just because Head Office are too lazy to write a quick reference for me. I have a feeling I am going to lose this new job because of them. Just before Christmas where it is hard to get another job. So, if I do, thank you very much Tesco(!)
I think they way tour treated must vary from store to store. I have worked for my store for 6 years I have also worked in other stores in my area when the have opened on workshop etc etc and I have found all the staff are lovely. Sure your going to get places where you dot get on with some people but that's life! As for customer service I must admit in place I have sometimes seen lack of it but as a whole. It's good go to any store any place, or any type f business I bet if you looked hard you will fin that one miserable person who is having a bad day. As for offer I admit over the years they have been complicated but when it comes to mix and match offers where not all of them are not on offer TESCO are not conning you it's simple to read the label. For example if something is on offer it will be on a yellow label price on the left destitution after in the middle it will say I.e selected cooked meats and the the offer on the right hand side 3 for 2. All you then have to do is look on every label that says selected cooked meats and all labels and they must e yellow if it is white it's not on promotion because it will not say selected cooked meets or have no offer printed on the label!.
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I was shopping at your store today ( 21/12/2012 ) located at .Tesco Swindon Metro. ...13-17 THE PARADE, SWINDON, SWINDON, SN1 1BB between 10:30 - 10:50. I had my 2 year old daughter "Willow" with me and a friend. We were at the self service tills. There was a stack of empty baskets. Not sure how high but they were above my head and I am 5ft 4in. No one was near these baskets and my little girl did not touch them. To my complete horror and shock the baskets all of a sudden arc'd and came down onto my little girls pushchair. Had it not been for the fact that my daughter's pushchair hood was pulled over, and so covering her head, the injuries to Willow could have been very severe!! Also my friends quick actions of putting out her arm helped deflect some of these baskets from falling onto my daughters head then into her lap.
A first aider did come over to us along with the manager, however both myself and my daughter have been very shook up by this incident, which I'm sure could have been avoided if these baskets had been prevented from becoming dangerously high in the first place. Surely this is a breach of Health and Safety regulations?
I feel the manager did not seem to take on the seriousness of the situation. He did not attempt to get down to my daughter's eye-level or attempt to comfort or reassure her, she is only 2 years old and was very frightened !! The manager suggested someone had knocked the baskets over. I know this wasn't the case, it appears he was trying to pass the blame.... Other shoppers were shocked to see this happen and a few came over to help us and to see if my daughter was ok.
My daughter thankfully ended up with just a small mark on her temple. The hood of her pushchair caught the brunt of these falling baskets and collapsed in on itself and is now unhinged and actually damaged on one side of the hood due to the weight of several piled high baskets!!!
I feel strongly that this is a serious health and safety issue which should be addressed immediately. I am extremely unhappy that this incident happened, and just grateful i had the hood of the buggy up which was the only reason that Willow has not ended up with more serious injuries......
There was no aknowledgement from the manager of it actually being the stores fault... and he did not mention to any staff members around to pay attention and make sure these baskets are prevented from getting so high. The manager didn't seem concerned enough about the incident and showed no comfort or compassion for my little girl who had slumped in her buggy covering her eyes and was a little pale form the shock...INstead he commented a few times that "she looked tired" which wasnt the case at all.!!! . The first aider was very nice and got down to my daughter's eye level and gave her the once over.
This incident could have terrible consequences. Please ensure that this is not allowed to happen again. Next time someone maybe seriously hurt or killed.
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