Sheer disgust! ~ Tesco-Complaint

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Sheer disgust!

I am typing this email in sheer disgust ! My name is Donna Ramsden, and I have been a Tesco customer and club card member for approx 6 years now. Until recently I actually enjoyed shopping in your stores, for the baby products we require. However, on Friday I went into Tesco express in Birstall Batley, for babywipes and groceries for that nights dinner. Now the only money I had access to at that hour (6.30) on that day (fri)happened to be two scottish 10 pound notes. I finished picking out what I needed, and stood in the que for around 5 to 10 mins, only to be told (after she had scanned all of my shopping through the check out) that the store now has a company policy of NOT accepting the notes due to too many forgeries ! So, after I told her she had to take it because it was after all, legal tender, she called the manageress to explain to me why they couldn't take it. Therefore I had to leave the shop empty handed, and feelin like a criminal.
So, my partner (who is scottish, and finds this whole affair very offensive) called the tesco customer services number and was told by the customer service advisor that he knew nothing of the so called ban ! To cut the rest of a long story short, Tescos head office phoned the Manager of Tesco Express that this is not company policy, and that he should re-train his staff to check for forged notes ! We were satisfied by this action and were quite willing to forgive and forget ! But then this (sunday) dinnertime my partners brother (who is obviously also scottish) went to the same store only to be made to feel like a criminal aswell. This is totally out of order. We are as a family, all of us hard working people who have never had any trouble of any kind before. I cannot stress enough, how embarrased I was, and brother in law says he has never felt to racially belittled in his entire life.
Can you please sort this issue out one way or another, or I will be taking it further believe me ! I am very angry and unsure as to weather or not I will be using any of your stores again, as a result of this. Seems to me that we have been lied to by the staff, as they said it was now company policy, and then told the opposite by customer services. Please respond to this email, as I cannot just ignore this matter !
Donna Ramsden


Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

There was no need for the childish comments left by the last person.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yesm generally tesco staff are poorly trained. I myself today took a scottish £10 note and can also take irish to!! retards!

Anonymous said...

it has been rumoured that tesco plc are trying to close down the webpage and thats why new complaints are hardly getting posted and the comments are being filled with junk.

Anonymous said...

I think Donnas a bit of a drama queen!

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised that you were refused due to the poor level of training the till staff recieve.
It is just as difficult to counterfeit a scottish note as it is an english note, its just that most people from england do not recognise how to distinguish the watermark. Although i did think you may have overeacted as your blog does seem slightly rushed, I also know how difficult the customer service is to deal with, you will often hear a member of staff face to face have a completely different answer to somebody who is sat on the other end of a phone reading from a book.

Anonymous said...

"made to feel like a criminal aswell. This is totally out of order. We are as a family, all of us hard working people who have never had any trouble of any kind before"

What a load of rubbish, they just said they wouldn't take scottish notes.

Why do you talk such rubbish! Typical wingeing moaning type who blows everything out of proportion.

Anonymous said...

Why does this blog have ads for Tesco around it?

Anonymous said...

Google AD's look for keywords on a site for it to best fit it, as tesco is mentioned all over this site, you get Tesco ads :D

Anonymous said...

they are fake ads

Anonymous said...

tescos staff should be trained correctly obviously at this store they have not, training is done by their team leader and watched over by their line manager! i cant understand how this managed to slip the net! i feel for you this is an embarrasing situation which should have been avoided! if scottish notes are not being accepted all tescos stores would be noted via "team 5" a communication board between staff members, as a staff member i have never heard of this in 3 years, neither has my mum whos worked there 23 years, my best friend is a line manager and he has not heard. all notes are accepted if they have stirling written on them, we get supplied with speacial pens which can detect a fake note. this is a discusting way to treat a customer. i would definatly complain, go straight to the top this is unlawful treatment. hope htis helps!

Anonymous said...

If you look on Bank of England site you will actually find that scottish notes arent legal tender in england, its down to the retailers whether or not they accept them

Anonymous said...

i hate tesco

Anonymous said...

Not surprised they wont take the notes,they are idiots to be honest with you if more people are getting fed up with the way tesco treat people i for one had to take action by using a changing room as a lavatory with some value toilet tissue i hope that taught them a valuable lesson in customer service

Anonymous said...

"Not surprised they wont take the notes,they are idiots to be honest with you if more people are getting fed up with the way tesco treat people i for one had to take action by using a changing room as a lavatory with some value toilet tissue i hope that taught them a valuable lesson in customer service"

That just shows how low your own standards are.

Anonymous said...

no it shows that i am fed up of tesco and the way they treat people and i wanted to send out a message that they would take a bit of notice of.

Anonymous said...

No, they'd think a tramp has came in or something. It won't be a message, it just makes you look one of the lowest of the low that is if you admit it.

Anonymous said...

If you look on Bank of England site you will actually find that scottish notes arent legal tender in england, its down to the retailers whether or not they accept them

Anonymous said...

If you look on Bank of England site you will actually find that scottish notes arent legal tender in england, its down to the retailers whether or not they accept them

Anonymous said...

If you look on Bank of England site you will actually find that scottish notes arent legal tender in england, its down to the retailers whether or not they accept them

Anonymous said...

If you look on Bank of England site you will actually find that scottish notes arent legal tender in england, its down to the retailers whether or not they accept them

Anonymous said...

If you look on Bank of England site you will actually find that scottish notes arent legal tender in england, its down to the retailers whether or not they accept them

Anonymous said...

If you look on Bank of England site you will actually find that scottish notes arent legal tender in england, its down to the retailers whether or not they accept them

Anonymous said...

If you look on Bank of England site you will actually find that scottish notes arent legal tender in england, its down to the retailers whether or not they accept them

Anonymous said...

If you look on Bank of England site you will actually find that scottish notes arent legal tender in england, its down to the retailers whether or not they accept them

Anonymous said...

If you look on Bank of England site you will actually find that scottish notes arent legal tender in england, its down to the retailers whether or not they accept them

Anonymous said...

If you look on Bank of England site you will actually find that scottish notes arent legal tender in england, its down to the retailers whether or not they accept them

Anonymous said...

If you look on Bank of England site you will actually find that scottish notes arent legal tender in england, its down to the retailers whether or not they accept them

Anonymous said...

look it sends out a message that their customers will not be messed around i aim to have used all the changing rooms in the 4 local stores as lavatories by the end of the year i hope this teaches them a valuable lesson in customer service

Anonymous said...

Do you honestly think whoever discovers it will think "oh, that teaches us a lesson in customer service"

Or "what sort of piece of low life scum has come in this time"

What is this lesson suppose to be? Not messed around how? - by having low prices and being generally cheap?

If you don't like it go somewhere else! Your just doing it to make yourself feel big, which suggests subconciously you think otherwise.

What on earth are Tesocs suppose to have done that is lower than using a changing room as a toilet! Nothing!

You clearly have a lot of 'issues'

Anonymous said...

I once spent a Scottish £20 note in a store in England & i had queries about, not even a batted eyelid.
Sounds like the staff are taking the nick way too far.

Unknown said...

I work for Tesco customer service part time. It is our store policy to accept all sterling banknotes. However, many stores in England will not accept them and have no legal obligation to accept them- since they are not in common circulation in this country.
Calling checkout staff "ignorant" I feel is unjustified. There is a huge variety of banknotes in the UK, including polymer notes in Northern Ireland that look and feel completely foreign.
Comments such as "retards" are COMPLETELY unjustified and offensive. At my store there are checkout staff who are professionals (e.g. accountants) who work certain hours for the extra money. Also, I am a Biology student and I work with Law and Medical students- clearly we are not thick.
Basically, I think this website is just a pathetic anti-tesco propaganda machine and since you guys are all so intent on talking abusively about staff and seem to hate the stores so much, then i suggest you DO NOT SHOP THERE!!! It's quite simple. Yes, you have a right to Freedom of Speech, but you also have to mature enough to use is responsively.
I for one want to earn a little bit of pocket money and would much prefer it if ignorant and aggressive twats (probably unemployed) would not make my evening any more stressful than it already is. Thanks.

Remember- don't like Tesco? Don't come back- it's how business works!

Anonymous said...

Don't burst a blood vessel mate!

I think you'll find most people who read and comment to this site are tesco employees.

Anonymous said...

i am not doing it to make myself look big it is a unique form of protest and i maintain that it will teach them a lesson in customer service to be honest with you i do with there was more privacy in there as many of the doors fall short of the whole cubicle making matters difficult for me but at the end of the day they will soon realise that they need to treat their customers better otherwise more people might start turning to action such as this

Anonymous said...

"i am not doing it to make myself look big it is a unique form of protest and i maintain that it will teach them a lesson in customer service to be honest with you i do with there was more privacy in there as many of the doors fall short of the whole cubicle making matters difficult for me but at the end of the day they will soon realise that they need to treat their customers better otherwise more people might start turning to action such as this"

The odd full stop (.) or comma (,) might help in being able to understand what that meant. Also no, I don't think it will treat them to treat customers better. It will be more a lesson avbout the class of customer they attract!

Anonymous said...

"I think you'll find most people who read and comment to this site are tesco employees. "

I'm not, and I post a lot on here.

Anonymous said...

Next time I get an english note in my shop in scotland, I am not going to accept it pmsl.
As to the adverts around this page?
It's a tesco website!!! They are using this page as a spy with lots of phsycologists buzzing around it to try and get the last of the tesco haters to become part of them and like them! The bodt snatchers (the tesco snatcher) or dawn of the living tesco;-)))
Yes I often thought about those adverts too on here,every little wonders.
To the inteligent guy here,if you are so intelligent,then why are you working for tesco?tesco is big brother and he is watching us all.
Won't get any buying info from me though,I am a stealth shopper, I don't support any supermarket of any kind,Only local small family businesses and I pay only cash, so tesco,put that in your pipe and smoke it;-) you ain't getting a penny from me, especially my scottish notes;-)their mine, all mine!!! muhahhahaha

Anonymous said...

Beef Burgers in a roll, lettuce,smothered in lashings of whole black peppercorns, topped off with a generous coating of aquarian goldfish flake food and crispy panties.

Anonymous said...

Beef Burgers in a roll, lettuce,smothered in lashings of whole black peppercorns, topped off with a generous coating of aquarian goldfish flake food and crispy panties.

Anonymous said...

Beef Burgers in a roll, lettuce,smothered in lashings of whole black peppercorns, topped off with a generous coating of aquarian goldfish flake food and crispy panties.

Anonymous said...

Beef Burgers in a roll, lettuce,smothered in lashings of whole black peppercorns, topped off with a generous coating of aquarian goldfish flake food and crispy panties.

Anonymous said...

Beef Burgers in a roll, lettuce,smothered in lashings of whole black peppercorns, topped off with a generous coating of aquarian goldfish flake food and crispy panties.

Anonymous said...

" am typing this email in sheer disgust ! My name is Donna Ramsden, and I have been a Tesco customer and club card member for approx 6 years now."

Hi Donna,
Are you related to harry ramsden?

Anonymous said...

"As to the adverts around this page?
It's a tesco website!!! They are using this page as a spy with lots of phsycologists buzzing around it to try and get the last of the tesco haters to become part of them and like them!"

I wrote that remark, it was more sarcasim. An anti Tescos blog with Tescos ads around.

No, it's the google bots. They detect keywords in the page and place what they believe are relevant ads around the side.

Infact, if you click one of the ads, this blog makes money!

Anonymous said...

If you like this blog, keep clicking the ads and make anti tescos blog more money!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"tesco r gay and need 2 wise up cos ppl h8 dem cos dey r jus daft muppetz hoo wana get livez said...

What the average IQ of an anti Tescos person?

Anonymous said...

Paying by Scottish notes is right up there with paying by cheque, no-one likes to accept them!

Why don't you get your money changed and make it easier for all?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Why don't you just not go to a Tescos again?

Just find somewhere where all the signs are in caps and spelt wrong so you can understand it all.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ah, so he was on the piss and they sacked him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I could allways fax tescos a cheque.
Scottish note are the best, tesco are scared to accept them because they are supeior quality and made of silk encrusted with diamonds and platinun.
English notes are printed on lexmark fax paper or andrex

Anonymous said...

"English notes are printed on lexmark fax paper or andrex"

And your brain is probably made of poo!

Anonymous said...

Hmm...some one reconed earlier that this site is getting less posts due to tesco trying to close it down...nope...i recon its cause people are getting bored with whinging and for the person who wrote original post...any currenct that is pound sterling and not forged is legal tender with in the united kingdom and hence can not be refused. The staff at the store you went to have obviously not been dealt with so the problem is...yet again...down to one person...the manager in charge. Unfortunatly there is not a lot you can do to stop this other that complain through the correct channels. Not everyone is like this please remember

Anonymous said...

Scottish Money is not legal tender, full stop. Not even in Scotland. Fact.

Doesn't excuse the behaviour of making up a rule right enough.

Anonymous said...

I think it is disgusting that Tesco stores refuse to take Scottish £10.00 notes. Get into the 21st century, Marks and Spencers even accept Euros. If Tescos don't want to accept Scottish money then maybe the Scots should refuse to spend their hard earned cash in their stores.

Anonymous said...

Erm.... did someone say they poo all over a changing room to protest? Thats really wierd.

Anonymous said...

I live in Scotland and have visited relatives in Birstall. We have had the same problems in the Birstall Tesco but not in the tesco in Batley. The manager of the store in Birstall is an idiot.The very next time it happens you should,wait untill the goods are through the till and you are asked for the money, (a contract has just been agreed between you and tesco)They agreed to sell you whatever goods at a certain price and you agreed to give them the correct legal tender for them.
Then offer the money .
When they refuse, take the goods and walk out. It is not theft as you have offered to pay for them with legal tender. They soon change their mind.

Anonymous said...

"(a contract has just been agreed between you and tesco)"

No contract is entered into just by scanning items. A contract is only formed after payment has been completed. Up to that point it is only classed as an invitation.

You will certainly be done for theft if you just take the goods. Tescos don't have to take any form of payment unless they want to, it does not matter if it's legal tender or not.

Theres too many cases of people making laws up as they go to suit them. The above post is one of them.

Anonymous said...

Hummm - Correct me if I'm wrong but Tesco stores in Scotland accept English notes so why not the other way round? As for forgeries a friend of mine shopping in our local Tesco store in the north east of Scotland got a very fake £10.00 note in her change and funny old thing - it was English!!
It makes no difference whether these fake notes are Scottish or English - they are in circulation & of a very high quality - maybe Tesco should give their staff the equipment required to detect such notes!

Anonymous said...

dey gave us krappy penz b4 2 look @ da notez n c if dey woz mickey mouse money or not but we juz drew on stuff wit em an wrecked da nibz up on em servez tescoz rite for not givin us dem kool ultravilett onez

Anonymous said...

Donna, get a life and stop acting the victim.

Unknown said...

In the store I work in, in Wales, it is policy to accept ALL notes with the word sterling on them, except for the old stye english notes. Our store simply supplies each of the checkouts and petrol station with a special pen, the ink of which turns black when put on to a fake note, as do most of the stores in my area. Why the tesco express that you mention doesn't do te same is beyond me. My suggestion is that you keep complainging and tell them that you want feedback. It's frustrating but eventually something will be done about it.

As for the person who thinks it's a great idea to shit in the changing rooms. Oh that'll really teach them. Do you really think the tesco staff clean it up themselves? No, mate, the in-store cleaners do, the same in-store cleaners who are NOT employed by tesco but by a contractor. Grow up!

Anonymous said...

"i hope this teaches them a valuable lesson in customer service!"

It'll teach them they've had a chav in!

Anonymous said...

i work at a tesco express site and was told by our managers that tsecos no longer acept scottish notesd because we can no longer bank them! however if the customer insists we have to take them, this leads to o few upset customers and as usual the till staff get all of the grief and told to re-train when the decision came from the managers in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunatly, Scottish notes are NOT recognised as legal tender in England, imho its this that is the cause of all this grief, I work in a scottish Tesco and we accept scottish English and Irish notes. There is exactly the same checks for english notes as there are scottish notes, unfortunatly too few staff are aware of that. I agree that tesco should be supporting staff on checkouts in terms of PROPER training and decent equipment (i personally have a cheap uv torch that i use)

Anonymous said...

Hi There

I am a store Manager for Express and can confirm what the staff in our customer services in Dundee have told you. There is no policy that states we will mot accept scotish notes. We supply all our staff with counterfeit detection pens that work by marking the suspected note. I would suggest that this is a localy invented policy and as such you should complain. I wouldnt write to dundee as all they do is call the store manager who will dictate a response over the phone. My advice would be to forward your letter to Paul ritchie. the director of express. I'm sure that will speed things up for you

Anonymous said...

we accept them at our store

Anonymous said...

The simple answer is to stop shopping at Tesco. I stopped 3 years ago. That works out at £90 per week x 52 weeks x 3 years which = £14,040 they lost from me. If, or more accurately, when enough people get so much poor service they stop shopping at Tesco's, each £14,040 lost will start to dent the Tesco profit and they may take poor customer service seriously.

Simple economics really.

Anonymous said...

this is not a tesco problem, its england that has a problem with scottish notes. so get a grip

Anonymous said...

You say that this Indian guy was a Security Guard. Are you sure? I ask only as Tesco has a habit of using un-trained & inexperienced personnel to cover for security staff.
For example, at Tesco Extra in Warrington, the security department is so short handed that they're using trolley collectors and bag packers to act as security guards.
Whilst these people mean well, to be quite honest, they haven't got a clue what they are doing and thieves are walking out with all sorts of stuff.
This really is a mockery of 'Security' and not only is the store / company losing a great deal of money through this initiative; but on top of this, front end staff and customers are being placed in an extremely vulnerable postion.
The ironic thing is that until recently, the store had an extremely capable security team who had an excellent track record. The team was made up of both contract security staff (Door Guards), and in-house staff (CCTV Operators / Floor Walkers). But some bright spark has decided to do away with contractors and to replace them with in-house Door Guards, who to date are proving rather difficult to recruit; and those who have been recruited are so poorly motivated that they can't wait to transfer to other departments.
So just remember this, things aren't always what they seem and the next time that you're in a Tesco store, take pity on the poor sod that you see stood at the door as he / she isn't necessarily a qualified, licenced & experienced Security Guard who wants to be there.
And also remember, if you want to steal something ... Tesco Extra Warrinton is the place to be.


A very concerned employee !

Anonymous said...

Few people seem to realise that Scottish notes are not legal tender - not even in Scotland. Tesco weren't required to accept the notes: depsite their many failings, this is one time where they are right.

Have a look at my URL for more info. (Wikipedia)

Anonymous said...

My wife was falsely accused by (Chelmsford) Tesco’s raciest security guard of stealing goods worth over £30, even though she was just entering into store. All she did was that she just picked up a shopping basket where there was a shopping bag already there which fell off and she picked it up and put it back where it was, and walked away for shopping but security guard followed her and accused her for stealing but she said it’s not mine but they took her into a room and called police and police told them she was caught stealing and police believed whatever they said without checking CCTV and police said quickest way to resolve this is to pay and write apology letter to Tesco.
But we said to police she never stole anything should you not investigate first but they said to investigate we have to arrest her first and it would take over 48 hours to investigate.

any suggestion/advise is most welcome.
Thank you

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Anonymous said...

I work for Tesco and I am being fired tomorrow because THEY HACKED MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT and saw that I was complaining about being bullied at work. Forget treating their customers like crap, they treat their employees like slaves and talk to us like we are nothing but dog shit.

Tesco, if you are reading this you are EVIL VINDICTIVE CUNTS.

I will be going to the tabloids with my story of harrassment and intimidation, and im currently getting legal advice to sue the pants off them.

What goes around comes around.

One day Tesco will fall, and when they do I will have the last laugh. Cunts.

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