Monday, January 10, 2011

The British public needs YOU!

If you would like to expose your Tesco complaint or story to the public and wider media immediately, rather than emailing them to TC, please post them on this blog post.

Please refrain from using detailed personal information, bad language, etc. Journalists often read this blog.

Sun Grown Discount Brands (Tesco) Apple Juice _ RANCID FOREIGN BODIES

Yes we're back, we've been indundated with complaints from customers about Christmas deliveries. All emails to us are read and treated in confidence. Only your name will be posted or you can remain anonymous. Members of the press often contact TC. The best selection of emails are posted here. Check out this awful picture and story below we have just received:

2nd January 2011

FAO: Environmental Services Commercial Team
Subject: Foreign Object in Sun Grown Discount Brands (Tesco) Apple Juice Carton
Ref: xxxxx

To whom it may concern,
Please find attached photos of the offending foreign bodies within a carton of Tesco Sun Grown Apple Juice. This was discovered on 02.01.11. A mouthful of the liquid was drunk by two people, which was sour and vinegary, causing instant 'wretching'. At this point both parties feel slightly sick, however nobody has been taken ill; if this should change I will inform you accordingly.

If deemed appropriate by Environmental Services we would very much like to know what this object was and the potential health risks associated.

We will also be looking at pursuing compensation from Tesco in due course.

We will deliver the items (carton & foreign bodies) to the Ely office on Tuesday/Wednesday, please do let me know if this is incorrect.

Best Regards,
Oliver Hawes

** We want to know how the VAT rise has affected your Tesco shop. Drop us a line **