Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tesco-Complaint Needs YOU!

We have a problem and we thought it best to appeal to the readership to get some help. We are getting a growing number of visitors and feed subscribers every month and lots of complaints but we haven't got enough time to put them all online since half of our two man team (Steve) has been unable to post the complaints for a while now. So we thought we would put in an appeal here for someone to become an Editor of the site.

Putting a post on the blog is really easy and basically involves copying the complaint and choosing a nice picture from say Google Images and then the fun bit of coming up with a cool headline! The site has a backlog of complaints which are suitable to be posted. So if you have 10-15 minutes to spare each day and would like to become an Editor of Tesco-Complaint please email us and let us know.


UPDATE: We have one new Editor already! If anyone else is also interested please do email ^__^


  1. Maybe Terry Leahy can help - every little helps after all!

  2. As the Chief Executive Officer of Tesco, I am thinking of employing someone from Cheshunt to help out as Editor of this blog site.

    Our intentions are as thus; to communicate 'every customer offered help' by installing our customers with propaganda, so they continue to throw us billions of pounds.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Sir Terry Leahy.

  3. I love this site. It makes me happy to realise that the world is full of sad cases!
